Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals
Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals are a service that helps Victorians get mental health and wellbeing support when they need it, where they need it.
Headspace supports young people with mental health, physical health (including sexual health), alcohol and other drug services, as well as work and study support. With a focus on early intervention, we work with young people to provide support at a crucial time in their lives – to help get them back on track and strengthen their ability to manage their mental health in the future.
SANE FREE Tailored Digital and Telehealth Complex Mental Health Support Â

SANE has introduced a new guided service that provides FREE tailored digital and telehealth support for people over 18 years of age with complex mental health issues and their families and carers. The service also supports people with intellectual disability, autism or acquired brain injury who are experiencing co-occurring mental health issues.Â
Referrals for SANE’s guided service are open in your area. You can refer yourself or be referred by a health professional, close family member, carer, or referral organisation by using the online form at Â

SANE’s inclusive services have been informed by intellectual disability advisory bodies and people living with intellectual disabilities and co-occurring mental health issues. You can feel comfortable reaching out to SANE.
Head to Health
Head to Health is a website of apps, online programs, online forums as well as a range of digital information resources. If you live in NSW, Victoria or Tamania you call and talk to a mental health professional.
Mind Australia
Mind supports people experiencing mental health and wellbeing concerns to find help, hope and purpose in their lives.
Griefline supports anyone experiencing grief, facing any type of loss, providing access to free telephone and online support services and resources
SANE Australia

SANE has introduced a new guided service that provides FREE tailored digital and telehealth support for people over 18 years of age with complex mental health issues and their families and carers. The service also supports people with intellectual disability, autism or acquired brain injury who are experiencing co-occurring mental health issues.Â
Referrals for SANE’s guided service are open in your area. You can refer yourself or be referred by a health professional, close family member, carer, or referral organisation by using the online form at Â