The NDIS is the National Disability Insurance Scheme

It supports people with a disability to: 

  • Choose their own supports and services
  • Achieve their goals.

The NDIA is the National Disability Insurance Agency

The NDIS is run by the National Disability Insurance Agency (NDIA). It:

  • Works out if people with disability can access the NDIS
  • Makes plans for people with disability so they get the support they need.

How to apply for the NDIS

The NDIS website has a video and information that tells you how to apply. If you want more information, you can call the NDIS on: 1800 800 110


Choosing your support worker

Choosing your support worker

This info guide will help you think about:

  • What kind of support you want
  • What your support worker should be like
  • How to pick the right person for the job.
A good life – can funding get me a good life?

Can funding get me a good life?

This Council for Intellectual Disability workbook talks about:

  • changes to disability funding
  • how you use funding
  • how funding can help you get a good life.