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28 November 2024
Conversation cards for your visit to the doctor.
Social story from It’s Doctor Time! which is a campaign by Inclusion Australia to encourage more people with intellectual disability to see their GP for a yearly health check. GPs sometimes call these Annual Health Assessments.
Resource from It’s Doctor Time! which is a campaign by Inclusion Australia to encourage more people with intellectual disability to see their GP for a yearly health check. GPs sometimes call these Annual Health Assessments.
It’s Doctor Time! is a campaign by Inclusion Australia to encourage more people with intellectual disability to see their GP for a yearly health check. GPs sometimes call these Annual Health Assessments.
It’s Doctor Time! is a campaign by Inclusion Australia to encourage more people with intellectual disability to see their GP for a yearly health check. GPs sometimes call these Annual Health Assessments.
27 May 2024
The three interviews are NOT screening tools. They each cover all the necessary symptoms, not a subset of them. There are, however, some differences between the Moss-PAS (Diag ID) and the other two (Moss-PAS (ID) and Moss-PAS (ChA)).
MBS items for patients with intellectual disability – May 2023 (pdf 370KB)
How to use POLAR to identify patients with an uncoded diagnosis of intellectual disability – YouTube
20 February 2024
Every person with a disability who uses the NDIS has the right to good quality and safe services.
As part of Inclusion Australia’s Your Service, Your Rights project they have created a set of Conversation Cards for people with an intellectual disability.
14 February 2024
First Nations Disability Network’s Flyer to support access to advocacy.
An Easy English version of the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights (second edition) from the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.
05 December 2023
Deciding with Support is for people with disability and the people who support them. It is to help people make decisions about their behaviour support plans.
20 April 2022
A guide to promote conversation between people with Down syndrome and their families about relationships, sexuality, staying healthy, rights, and consent.
The Federal Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) provides protection for everyone in Australia against discrimination based on disability.
Easy English information on sexuality and relationships for people with an intellectual disability
Easy English information on what is violence and abuse
Sexuality and Relationship resource list to support people with an intellectual or learning disability
Fact Sheets: Health fact sheets on how to break down the barriers to good care for people with an intellectual disability and address health inequities they experience.
13 April 2022
Fact Sheet: Information on wearing a mask to stay safe
Fact Sheet: Information on how to access services for people with an intellectual disability.
Fact Sheet: Information on support for carers and families
Fact Sheet: Information on nutrition and eating well
Fact Sheet: Information on the importance of staying active
Fact Sheet: Information on how to stay mentally well
Fact Sheet: Information on behaviour support to people with an intellectual disability.
This an easy read guide about the National Disability plan to make life better for people with disability
This is an easy read guide about the Royal Commission into Violence, Abuse, Neglect and Exploitation of People with Disability.
06 April 2022
Fact Sheet: Information on Telehealth and how to use it.
Resources to support people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities
This is an easy read guide about the new National Roadmap is to help improve the health of people with intellectual disability.
18 February 2022
Supporting Women – Information and resources for general practitioners supporting women with intellectual disabilities to manage their menstruation
Booklet to help you understand more about having a Pap test.
Hanging Out Program – Interaction for people at risk of isolation booklet
Booklet to help you understand the relationship between Down syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease
Fact Sheet – Working with people with an intellectual disability in healthcare settings
Fact Sheet: Useful Services for people with developmental disabilities
Fact Sheet: Accessing mental health services for people with an intellectual disability