Everyone has the right to live a safe life.
Violence and abuse can happen in any kind of relationship. It is never OK. Violence and abuse take many forms, not just physical.
If you or someone you know is experiencing violence or abuse, you can call 1800RESPECT on 1800 737 732 or through the online chat.
You can watch this video about what to expect when you call 1800RESPECT.
Safety mobile apps are available to download on your mobile phone and tablet. You can find further details about safety apps by clicking below.Â

The Disability Support Toolkit
The Disability Support Toolkit from 1800RESPECT has Easy Read information available.
Disability Abuse & Neglect Hotline 1800 880 052
The National Disability Abuse & Neglect Hotline is an Australia-wide telephone hotline for reporting abuse and neglect of people with disability who are using services funded by any level of the Commonwealth, state or territory governments.
Reports can be made by people with disability and by their families or carers, by advocates, services staff and health and other professionals. Anonymous reports are accepted and the privacy of people making reports is protected.
The Disability Safe Week website has Easy Read resources on abuse and neglect.
eSafety Commissioner
Find the latest information to help you manage online safety issues including abuse and violence.
NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission
If you have a concern or complaint about the NDIS call 1800 035 544.
Women with Disability Australia
The Women with Disability Australia (WWDA) site focuses on what violence is and how to get help if you need it.
Safety planning
Safety planning is thinking about things you can do to live safer when living with violence or abuse.
Your rights and staying safe
You can find more information about your rights and keeping safe on the Australian Federation of Disability Organisations (AFDO).

Healthy Relationships and Sexuality: Information for people with Down syndrome and their families
The Disability Support Toolkit from 1800RESPECT has Easy Read information available.

Family Planning Network
The Family Planning Network’s All About Sex is a series of fact sheets for people with intellectual disability and the people who support them. The fact sheets are easy to read and include illustrations to help people with intellectual disability learn about sexuality and relationships. The fact sheets cover a range of topics including bodies, relationships, sex, pregnancy and reproduction, sexual health and sexual assault.
Sexual health for people with cognitive disability and their families
Sexual Health Victoria has resources and information on sexual health for people with cognitive disability and their families.
How counselling can help after sexual assault
Here’s some information if you are a person with intellectual disability who has been sexually assaulted. This booklet explains how counselling can help after sexual assault.