Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights (second edition) – Easy English version
An Easy English version of the Australian Charter of Healthcare Rights (second edition) from the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care.
Deciding with Support toolkit
Deciding with Support is for people with disability and the people who support them. It is to help people make decisions about their behaviour support plans.
Healthy Relationships and Sexuality: Information for people with Down syndrome and their families
A guide to promote conversation between people with Down syndrome and their families about relationships, sexuality, staying healthy, rights, and consent.
Disability Discrimination Act 1992
The Federal Disability Discrimination Act 1992 (DDA) provides protection for everyone in Australia against discrimination based on disability.
Introduction to All About Sex
Easy English information on sexuality and relationships for people with an intellectual disability
1800RESPECT What is violence and abuse?
Easy English information on what is violence and abuse
Sexuality and relationships resources
Sexuality and Relationship resource list to support people with an intellectual or learning disability
Health Fact Sheets
Fact Sheets: Health fact sheets on how to break down the barriers to good care for people with an intellectual disability and address health inequities they experience.
Wearing a mask: supporting people with a disability
Fact Sheet: Information on wearing a mask to stay safe
Accessing Services
Fact Sheet: Information on how to access services for people with an intellectual disability.