Looking after yourself is critical
As a carer of a person with intellectual disability you often focus on the needs of the person you care for. It’s also really important to look after yourself. Looking after yourself has a positive impact on those you care for.
The Carer Gateway has information, resources and support to help carers maintain their health and wellbeing, including:
To access support these supports visit the Carer Gateway or call on 1800 422 737
If you are more comfortable having a conversation in a language other than English call the Translation and Interpreter Services 131 450.
Watch Amanda in the above video as she cares for her brother with Down syndrome and shares how the Carers Gateway helps her.

Interested is exploring digital mental health resources like apps?
Head to Health understands the importance of maintaining the health and wellbeing of carers. The website links carers to digital resources to support carers’ mental health and wellbeing with topics such as:
- Worry and anxiety
- Grief & Loss
- Exercise
- Eating and sleeping well
- Social connection – online forums
Mental Health for the person you care for
All Australians have the right to good health care. People with intellectual disability experience significant barriers to accessing healthcare. Sadly, this results in health inequalities.
The Council for Intellectual Disability has developed fact sheets for people who support people with an intellectual disability, family and carers, health professionals, advocates, support people, and disability workers.

NDIS – One Day at a Time
One Day at a Time is a resource to help families promote their child’s development. The manuals offer hands-on activities organised under key developmental areas.

Scope –The 'Connecting Me' Tool Kit
This tool kit was developed to increase community inclusion for people with disability and their families.
NDIS – Disability Related Health Supports
Additional disability-related health supports are available to purchase using NDIS funding. A disability-related health support is a support you may need to help you manage a health condition directly because of disability. Or to help you to manage your health or health condition if disability means you can’t do this on your own.
Disability-related health supports may include:
- funding for someone, such as a support worker, to provide your disability-related health supports
- training for your support workers or other people who support you such as family or friends
- consumables – the things you use. For example, continence products like catheter bags, pads, bottles and straps.
The NDIS may also fund some assistive technology as a disability-related health support. For further information visit
Easy Read information about disability related health supports
Information about allied health support can be found at Allied health supports
Sexual Health D&G – Sexual Health for the person you care for
People with intellectual disability have the same right to experience relationships, including a sexual relationship. You can read more about this at Sexual Health Victoria.
Sexual Health Victoria
Sexual Health Victoria has a range sexual and reproductive health factsheets available in Easy English format. These are written in an easy to read way and use pictures to explain ideas.
Family Planning NSW
Family Planning NSW is a health service. We work to make sure everyone has good sexual health.
Sexual Health D&G UK
A selection of easy to understand leaflets.

Down Syndrome Australia​
Relationships are important for everyone. This guide will tell you things that are important to know for your relationships.

MENCAP – Easy Read resources
MENCAP (UK) have a list of Easy Read resources on topics important for good relationships and sex education including:
- body awareness
- consent
- LGBT+ identities
- qualities of healthy and unhealthy relationships
- sexual health and safe sex.
Victorian Centre Against Sexual Assault – Sexual assault
The Victorian Centre Against Sexual Assault provides Easy Read resources on sexual assault.
For information for people with disability
For information for healthcare professionals