Learn about how to protect yourself and your family

To learn more about the COVID-19 (Coronavirus) pandemic, including how to protect yourself and your family, where and when you can get vaccinated, and how to access the support you need, visit the Disability Gateway.

Two mixed race women wearing protective face masks and are walking with their arms linked. They are enjoying the outdoors and getting some exercise during COVID-19.

Telehealth Resource Package

The Centre for Developmental Disability Health has developed a resource package to promote access to telehealth and provide further information on overall health maintenance – including physical and mental health, further resources and contacts so people can be better informed and know where to seek more information.

The package provides a general overview of known areas of concern for people with intellectual and/or developmental disability, workers and their supports. The resources have been designed to be used independently of or as an additional support to telehealth.


What is telehealth; how do you prepare for a telehealth appointment; costs involved and further information
Fact sheet

Behaviour Support

What is behaviour support; behaviour charts; behaviour support plans and further information
Fact sheet

Accessing services

Which services can support you; support for carers; support around COVID-19 and further information
Fact sheet

Keeping active

Exercise and activities; staying safe; additional supports and further information
Fact sheet

Healthy lifestyle

What is a healthy lifestyle; medical supports that you can seek and further information
Fact sheet

Eating well

What is a balanced diet; medical supports that you can seek and further information
Fact sheet

Carer support

information and further support for both paid carers, family members and volunteers
Fact sheet

Wearing a mask

information on the requirements for wearing a mask
Fact sheet

Getting a test

Guide to assisting people with disability with COVID-19 testing
Fact sheet