Health Professionals
As a health professional providing support to a person with intellectual disability, supporting family and carers is important.
Who are carers?
Carers of people with intellectual disability are people who provide unpaid care and support. The support may include:
- personal care such as dressing, lifting, showering, toileting, feeding
- emotional support
- overseeing banking and financial support
- assisting with maintaining health and wellbeing, including accessing healthcare
- social connections.
More than half of primary carers provide care for at least 20 hours per week. Many of these people don’t see themselves as carers, rather just parents, siblings or partners. Providing support to carers is vital for their health and wellbeing and ability to continue caring.

What support is available to Carers?
The Carer Gateway aims to make the life of carer’s easier. By calling Carer Gateway, carers will be connected with an Australia-wide network of Carer Gateway service providers. They will talk through what support is needed and find local services and support to help. Support may include:
- help and advice
- phone counselling
- respite (taking a break)
- connecting to other carers
- self-guided coaching
- skills courses.
To access support these supports visit the Carer Gateway or call on 1800 422 737
If you are more comfortable having a conversation in a language other than English call the Translation and Interpreter Services 131 450.